
POSTECH-PKU P2 Conference _2020.11.18

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 1,351회 작성일 20-11-16 13:26


포스텍 화학과는 포항에서 개최된 2019년 PIPC (POSTECH-iBS-PKU) bilateral conference를 시작으로 중국 최고의 명문 북경대학교 화학과와 학술교류를 진행하고 있습니다. 올해에도 COVID-19라는 어려운 상황에도 불구하고, 학과간 국제협력과 교류를 증진하고, 단순 더하기가 아닌 곱하기로의 시너지를 도모하고자 POSTECH-PKU P2 Conference라는 새로운 이름으로 ZOOM을 통한 온라인 컨퍼런스가 진행될 예정입니다.

“Syntheses at the interface between chemistry and biology”라는 큰 주제를 바탕으로 총 4개의 세션(1. 고분자 관련, 2. 유기합성 관련, 3. 화학생물학 관련, 4. 유무기 재료 및 발광 관련)이 조직되어 총 8명의 교수들(북경대 4명+포스텍 4명)과 12명의 대학원생/박사후연구원(북경대 6명+포스텍 6명)들이 발표를 진행할 예정입니다.

1 Chair: Prof. Rong Zhu (PKU)
9:40 Prof. Chang Yun Son Hydration dynamics and proton pumping in cytochrome c oxidase
10:00 Prof. Xiaoyan Tang Chemical Synthesis of Crystalline Poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s ( PHAs) from Cyclic Diolides
10:20 Dr. Xichong Ye Efficient separation of conglomerates aided by “tailor-made" polymeric additives
10:30 Jiwon Yeo Nitric Oxide-Scavenging Nanogel for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis
10:40 Dr. Xinwen Yan Design and Synthesis of New Conjugated Polymers for Organic Thermoelectric Devices
20 min Break
2 Chair: Prof. Jongcheol Seo
11:10 Prof. Hyung Min Chi Quaternary Center Guided Synthesis of Polycyclic Terpenes
11:30 Prof. Rong Zhu Bifurcating Transition-Metal Catalysts for Small Molecule and Polymer Synthesis
11:50 Zejie Lyu Scandium Promoted Activation and Conversion of Dinitrogen and Alkynes
12:00 Dr. Youngsuk Kim Organic Radicals derived from N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Nitric Oxide
12:10 Xiao Liu BacGO: a Universal Fluorescent Probe for Gram-Positive Bacteria
3 Chair: Prof. Hyung Min Chi
14:00 Prof. Peng Chen Bioorthogonal Protein Activation in Space and Time
14:20 Prof. Hyun-Suk Lim Chemical tools for targeted protein degradation via the N-degron pathway
14:40 Jianhua Lu Cryopolymerization of 1,2-Dithiolanes for the Facile and Reversible Grafting-from Synthesis of Protein–Polydisulfide Conjugates
14:50 Ara Lee Identification of membrane proteins involved in organelle communications
15:00 Jihyun Mok Aptasensor for Dengue Fever Diagnosis Using an Enhanced Quenching Phenomenon of G-Quadruplex
20 min Break
4 Chair: Prof. Hua Lu
15:30 Prof. Young-Tae Chang New Paradigm for Cell Identification
15:50 Prof. Bingjun Xu In-Situ Spectroscopic Investigations of Cu-Mediated Electrochemical CO(2) Reduction Reaction
16:10 Dr. Hao Dong Tailoring Upconversion Emissions in Lanthanide Core/Shell Nanoparticles
16:20 Dr. Yongju Kwon Synthesis of Indium Phosphide Magic-sized Clusters and Nanostructures
16:30 Liding Wang Electroluminescence Study of Rare Earth Complexes with d-f Transition




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